Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

VT wake #7 in the country!

Good job everyone

CWS Atlanta

We had a great weekend at Lake Lanier near Atlanta, GA. It was cold but that doesnt phase anyone who wakeboards in Blacksburg. We brought 14 riders, and 9 of us placed in the top 3 in our divisions. We had a strong showing and placed 2nd behind FSU. It was fun hanging out with everyone from FSU and UF. We will definitely be back next year.

1. FSU
2. VT
3. UF

1. Ryan Mocerino (UF)
2. Johnny Tobaben (Gainseville St)
3. Kyle Barmoy (VT)

1. Adam Van Dyke (VT)
2. John Pulaski (West Florida)
3. Jared Nadel (FSU)

1. Ryan Jensen (FSU)
2. Patrick Wynne (VT)
3. Grant DePhillips (VT)

1. Kristine Wright (FSU)
2. Janelle Isaia (UF)
3. Meghan Holton (FSU)

1. Douglas Cofer (VT)
2. Nicholas Schrein (VT)
3. Josh Settlage (VT)

1.Cint Kainee (FSU)
2.Joel Wagner (VT)
3 Grant DePhillips (VT)

Monday, October 25, 2010

bay watersports

Looking for a new boat for next spring? Hit up Doug at Bay Watersports. I hear they have some beautiful new Mastercrafts that you'll have to see to believe.  LCD monitors in the dash with video, iPod integration, awesome JL sound systems, and of course the best wakes you'll find behind any boat.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Robby McFarland 2010

It's finally done, the video I spent all summer working on. Here. And now. ENJOYYYYYY!!!!

Robby McFarland 2010 from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brian Benjamin - The Essentials

A video of former VT Wake member Brian Benjamin. Just like Paul he's vanished from the world of college to work in the real world, so he doesn't ride much. Here are two sets of his riding from a year apart each (July 09 and July 2010). It's called Essentials because these are the tricks that Brian seems to be able to land without riding in months at a time, guaranteed.

Brian Benjamin - The Esentials from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paul Minter Shows us How to do an Elephant

And lays down a little more steeze in a 4 hit video from this last summer.

How to do an Elephant - Paul Minter from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Devin Tatro

Wake'N'Skate and Hyperlite rider Devin Tatro threw down this summer. Here's a little bit of the footy from three sets of his.

Devin Tatro from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ryan Thompson

It's been a while since any videos were posted, so here's one of Wake'N'Skate team rider Ryan Thompson. 

Ryan Thompson from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

boat being auctioned this saturday

The VT wakeboard club is auctioning our old club boat. Its a 2001 Malibu Sportster LX (yellow/white) with Boatmate trailer (yellow). It needs some work. Main thing is that it needs a new engine. Upholstery is in fair condition, with some tears. It seems to me that the hull is in good condition structurally and the stringers too. It has a tower although one weld needs to be repaired (cracked). Put a few grand into this thing and you could have a 2001 boat for a steal. It probably wont go for more than a couple grand. If you have the time and will for a project boat, this could be a great buy. 

If interested, here is some info. 

The auction will take place at VT Surplus located at 1425 S Main (in Blacksburg), near Our Daily Bread and across from Kroger on THIS Saturday, July 31st. It is item number 384, and they guessed that it will be auctioned at around 11AM. Doors open at 8AM if you want to look at it on saturday, auction starts at 9AM. If you want to see it at another time, you can go to surplus and see it any time between 7:30AM and 4PM on Thursday 

Here is the link to the auction information. Click the list on the right to see everything being auctioned, payment information, etc. 

If you know anyone who may be interested, please let them know...we are really hoping to meet our reserve and get a little money out of this boat so we can look towards buying a new boat and pay for travel expenses/competitions this year.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

SML Updaty Stuff

Sorry there haven't been any new videos lately. Filming with the crew out here at SML has been hard to organize because of work schedules and lazyness on my part (all I do is wakeboard and sleep and drink monster and wakeboard some more), so we haven't been getting much done. Stay tuned though, a Robby McFarland video is lurking just around the corner... Hopefully.

However, there is the Battle of Bull Run II coming up next weekend here at Smith Mountain Lake in VA (the comp is July 17) and if you follow this blog at all, then you had best be coming out there. It's going to be a huge flotilla party of pretty much epic proportions if last year was any indication. Plus the competition has been bringing out more and more sick riders every year, so it's sure to be a good show.

Stay classy my friends.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Hyperlite Demo Day feat. Aaron Rathy

Super quick edit of the Hyperlite demo day from Friday, June 25th. There's some footy of Rathy hiding in there, so see if you can find it. - Nick

Hyperlite Demo Day feat. Aaron Rathy from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 15th GroPro

So the other day we went out new supra, threw a tube into the lake, and filmed some more with the gopro on a stick. This is some of the footage we got, enjoy.

GoPro June 15 from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Adam Fields just picked up the VT Epic.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26th Go Pro Filming

May 26th Go Pro Filming from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

More test footage type stuff with the GoPro mounted on a pole. I'm hoping to get it dialed in so that I can get some sick shots, but until then, here's another edition of Shaky Cams and Bad Lighting, featuring Lee and Joel Wagner and Robby McFarland. -Nick Schrein

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

gopro helmet cam

Me(Adam)and Mike tested out his gopro with some helmet cam action. Unfortunately the gopro is now at the bottom of claytor, but I got one quick set out of it. Lots of shakiness but a cool perspective

Gopro Helmet cam from Adam V on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Had a VT wake tailgate for the spring game today. Fun times chillin in the Epic playing some corn hole and listening to that awesome sound system.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lee Wagner 09

Here's another installment of shaky cams and cloudy weather. If you liked the other ones you'll like this one (but there's less shaking, sorry!) Hahaha.

Lee Wagner (2009) from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Woooo. Song is "Instrumental Feat. Jonah Matranga" - Lupe Fiasco

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sam Baker from last summer (2009)

Song is Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
At the time of editing I had no idea that it was already in a vid on Alliance. I'm somewhat ashamed for using a song that already has a video, but oddly okay with it.

Sam Baker from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yay videos....

First up for the weekly (maybe more than that) videos for Gnarcolepsy is Joel Wagner. Gnarcolepsy has been evolved from a full length DVD to a blog and a series of videos of VT Wakeboarding and Southwestern VA riders. Enjoy.

Song is Ghosts'N'Stuff Feat. Rob Swire - Deadmau5

Joel Wagner from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

More coming soon. Stay tuned for another one next week...

Leaving for nationals today

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The mandatory review session for nationals went well today. Jimbo stuck his run and only took 11 hours

How to do crowmobes. Take notes...

Claytor Police blowww

Here's a quick edit from Fall 2008 of Josh, Edan, and Brian winching the fountain in front of the CRC building