Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26th Go Pro Filming

May 26th Go Pro Filming from Nick Schrein on Vimeo.

More test footage type stuff with the GoPro mounted on a pole. I'm hoping to get it dialed in so that I can get some sick shots, but until then, here's another edition of Shaky Cams and Bad Lighting, featuring Lee and Joel Wagner and Robby McFarland. -Nick Schrein

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

gopro helmet cam

Me(Adam)and Mike tested out his gopro with some helmet cam action. Unfortunately the gopro is now at the bottom of claytor, but I got one quick set out of it. Lots of shakiness but a cool perspective

Gopro Helmet cam from Adam V on Vimeo.